Photo by Astrid Schaffner
I totally showed my curmudgeonly side in last month’s post, but I’m putting my best foot forward now because this is the season to give thanks. Not just for the feast on the table and the loved ones around it, but for all the little things we barely notice on any given day. Things like a torrential downpour that lets up long enough for you to make it to the car without getting drenched. Or looking in the mirror and catching a glimpse of the parent who’s no longer with you. Or having a song come on the radio that reminds you of all the great moments you’ve experienced in your life.
That last one happened to me recently when I was out driving. The song that sparked my attention was “Best Day of My Life” by American Authors. I realize that, as long I’m drawing breath, it’s possible I haven’t yet had my best day. But I’ve enjoyed lots of fabulous days, and listening to that song got me thinking about some of them.
I feel fortunate to have had a plethora of “It doesn’t get any better than this” experiences over the years, and I’d like to share just a small sampling here:
First Wedding
~ It was a beautiful day in the ’70s (not the temperature…the decade). The marriage itself may not have survived, but we happily went into it with nothing but hope and excitement for the future.
First Child
~ Even though I didn’t have a clue what I was getting into, I was in 7th Heaven the day I became Jacki’s mom.
Preemie Daughter
~ Jennifer was born three months early and spent the first two months of her life in a hospital incubator. There were no words to effectively convey the relief and gratitude I felt the day she was finally strong enough for us to bring home.
Final Wedding
~ This one mirrored the first in the sense that it was a beautiful day, and we were happy, hopeful, and excited about the future. The difference is that this marriage has stood the test of time, continues to thrive, and has been filled with many, many wonderful days.
Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren
~ Who knew it was possible to fall in love with so many different little humans? Each birth has made for a uniquely special day.
The Cabin
~ The day we officially called the cabin “home” was a day my heart truly felt at peace.
~ Working remotely at the time made the entry into retirement rather anticlimactic, but that first day of not having to log in to work was still pretty great.
First Book
~ I poured my heart and soul into that project, and the day it finally hit publication was a very good day indeed.
As a card-carrying member of the adulting world, it’s easy to get caught up in life’s concerns and frustrations. So much so that I tend to forget about the multitude of outstanding days that have been peppered throughout the years. But Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to shove all the bad stuff into a dark corner and bring the joy of those monumental moments back into the light. There are so many memories that deserve my gratitude.
My gut tells me I’m not the only one who could benefit from focusing on the good times. Here’s to a lifetime of “Almost the Best” Days.
I’m pleased to share that my first three novels are available on Amazon.
For information and purchase options, click here.
Perfect timing for this article. It’s easy to be caught up in negative feelings right now. We pull ourselves out of these feelings when we take the time to recall our blessings and joyful experiences. ❤️